Sunday, October 23, 2016

An Empty Swimming Pool with Graffiti

Michelle Worley here, blogging Abq's Central Avenue again. Today, Danny and I explored Central Avenue between Elizabeth and Eubank. This little stretch is one that has many places I find fascinating, which is why there are more photos on this post than I usually include. 

Pictured first is Bill's Auto Parts Service. It's been closed up for as long as I can remember. I noticed that many homeless (?) people sit in the shade next to this building. It rests in the corner of the parking lot of a much bigger store, a Best Buy or something like that. What is the story behind this place? Does anyone know?

We saw three mobile home parks, one no longer in operation. In fact, it was recently razed. I wish I had snapped a photo before that happened. 

We realized that this razed park was related to a bigger park across the street, one that from the street looks to be deserted but when you look behind the main building, you can see that people still live there. 

I'm guessing there is no office on site and everyone mails their rent in to a management company. There is an empty swimming pool with graffiti. 


The numbers
Okay, so here are our new totals. Between Elizabeth and Eubank today we counted 20 total businesses. There were 14 in-businesses and 6 out-of-businesses. 

For the entire length we've covered so far, between Tramway and Eubank, we now have 119 businesses. There are 79 in-businesses and 40 out-of's. The percentages remain steady at 66% in's and 34% out-of's. 

Please continue to comment and share what you know about Central Avenue. I'm learning a lot! 

I'm still having a hard time dealing with A.R.T. Someone, on another blog post, commented that it would be a good idea if it were on any other road, like Coors or Menaul. That is so true! When I think of it happening on another road, I can see the benefits. My problem is that they are doing it on Route 66 and the history of Abq's stretch of this Mother Road will be demolished. That is a sad thing. Why, why, why does A.R.T. have to happen on Central? 

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